Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have been out of work for 10 whole business days and have been keeping a log of everything that I have done. And by that I mean everything productive that I have done not necessarily all my exploits (that's for an anonymous blog later).  After reviewing the numbered, checked and crossed out lists in my little spiral notebook, I've come to a few conclusions I'd like to share (in the form of a list, of course):

1) I'm very good at ignoring the elephant in the room.  Yes, I sold shoes on eBay but hey, I haven't made that appointment with the financial planner about the 401k roll over and life insurance yet. And, no, I haven't confirmed who is coming to Thanksgiving and where everyone is staying even though I'm hosting. Ooops. That wasn't on the list. Crap.

2) I cannot legitimately answer the question, "Is the gym crowded at mid-day?" because I haven't been (except to take the kid to swimming and sign her up for classes) even though it has been  on the list since day 1. I have been walking instead and I've lost a few
pounds -- probably from skipping midtown restaurant lunches and less booze.

3) The first few days with a list in hand are the most productive. All the crossing off feels good at first but as time passes, one can lose focus. There's a definite pattern that can be traced Monday - Friday and then the list is abandoned on weekends entirely. Rewriting a list to exclude the completed tasks makes it seem less impressive. Best to keep adding to the original.

4) I can tell the lazy days by the stretching I did on the "completed" list. Did I really need to write down that I walked the dog twice? Oh, and groceries -- it's a daily occurrence. "Called to make an appointment" isn't the same as actually making an appointment and getting to it but hey, I called, didn't I? Moved the car shouldn't even be on there, right?

5) I might have a touch of OCD.

Rather than focusing on what I haven't done though, I think it's time to look at the more important crossed out items. What I have accomplished so far and how it is setting me up for the next few weeks:

-Three versions of my resume updated and ready to go.
-Several cover letters that can be customized easily.
-150 new LinkedIn connections. 
-3 professional groups joined.
-Two head hunters on board.
-Temp agency contacted.
-I'm in Google's career database.
-Career transition service contacted/forms filled out.
-Seven jobs applied for online.

Hmmm, that seems like a lot for only day 2 of my legitimate job search week. I think I will go to the gym -- something else to cross off the list.

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